What are the preventive repair methods of the cooler? Cooler is easy to corrosion, pay more attention to prevention and repair when using. So, what are the preventive repair methods of the cooler? Let's learn about it.Prevention and repair of cooler:
Corrosion inhibitor and electrochemical protection are introduced here. Details are as follows:
(1) corrosion inhibitor: chromate as the primary component of corrosion inhibitor is commonly used in cooling water system, chromate ion is a kind of anode (process) inhibitor, when it is combined with the appropriate cathode inhibitor, can get satisfactory and economic anti-corrosion effect. Chromate - zinc - polyphosphate: polyphosphate is used because it has the effect of cleaning metal surface, has corrosion inhibition ability, polyphosphate can be partially converted into orthophosphate, they can also form large colloidal oligons with calcium, inhibiting the cathode process. Chromate - zinc - phosphonate: This method replaces polyphosphonates with sodium phosphonate except that similar to the previous method, aminophosphonates can also be used at a higher pH than the one prescribed for polyphosphonates. Methylaminophosphonate prevents scaling and controls calcium precipitation even at a pH of 9. Chromate - zinc - hydrolyzed polyacrylamide: because of the dispersion effect of cationic copolymer hydrolyzed polyacrylamide, can avoid or suppress the occurrence of scale into dirt.
(2) Electrochemical protection: cathodic protection and anode protection. Cathodic protection is the use of external DC power supply to make the metal surface into a cathode and reach the protection, this method consumes large power, high cost. Anodic protection is to protect the cooler with an external power supply of the anode, so that the metal surface to generate passivation film, so as to get protection.
address:9 Yongxin Road, Diankou Town, Zhuji City
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